Il bianco e nero del mondo perduto di “Little Feet” di Alexander Rockwell commuove Mar del Plata 28

Il bianco e nero del mondo perduto di “Little Feet” di Alexander Rockwell commuove Mar del Plata 28

Ha commosso ed emozionato fino alle lacrime la platea di Mar del Plata 28 il film “Little Feet” (Pies pequeños) diretto da Alexandre Rockwell e interpretato dai suoi figli, Lana e Nico. Premio Speciale della Giuria del Festival cinematografico internazionale argentino ha letteralmente affascinato con una pellicola in bianco e nero permeata dalla poesia di lunghi silenzi proiezione di mondi perduti e incantati alla stregua di quanto già esplorato da grandi maestri del cinema come Vigo, Truffaut e Fellini. Mariangiola Castrovilli nel video-servizio che vi proponiamo si intrattiene con Alexandre e Lana Rockwell prima della premiazione avvenuta nel corso della cerimonia conclusiva del festival nella Sala Astor Piazzolla del Teatro Auditorium.

– “Little Feet” (Pies pequeños)
Returning to his early roots and shooting on 16mm, Alexandre Rockwell’s new film tells the story of a couple of young kids living in Los Angeles (played by Rockwell’s own children, Nico and Lana) who decide that they want to see “the river” for the first time. Setting out alone, their moments of wordless play along the way are interspersed with a camera that explores the city as if through the eyes of his youthful protagonists. Harkening back to some of the great masters who have mined this idea – Vigo, Truffaut, Fellini -, Rockwell finds, in these straightforward and uncomplicated exchanges, the magic of a lost world. Told in stunning black and white photography, Little Feet shows a poetic side of Los Angeles one rarely sees and stands as an homage of sorts to the very first films shot in the town that was not long ago a desert that stood at the edge of the great Pacific Ocean. At the same time Little Feet is not a film just about children, it is a film whose light is the very light of childhood.

– Alexandre Rockwell
Born in Boston in 1956, he studied at the French Cinematheque. He directed Hero (1983), Sons (1990), In the Soup (1992), the segment “The Wrong Man” in the collective film Four Rooms (1995), Louis & Frank (1998), 13 Moons (2002) and Pete Smalls is Dead (2010). He currently teaches at the New York University.

Il bianco e nero del mondo perduto di “Little Feet” di Alexander Rockwell commuove Mar del Plata 28
Reportaje Mariangiola Castrovilli
Grabacion y Edicion Osvaldo Fulgenzi / Donatella Macola

Espace Cinema 2013 - MdP - Mariangiola Castrovilli 2


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